Donated wedding dresses are transformed into Angel Gowns, Bonnets, Angel Pouches, and Quilts that are then sent to grieving families around the United States. As a volunteer seamstress for the Emma & Evan Foundation, you are providing comfort and hope to grieving families... We provide the patterns and instructions, you add love & compassion.
With over 2,000 dresses in inventory, we need you! If you are at least a moderately skilled seamstress and feel the calling to help grieving families, we would like to hear from you.

The Emma & Evan Foundation started as a project God laid on my heart to honor two friends who lost their babies. Fast forward 4 years and I'm just in Awe seeing how God has moved. The healing power of this ministry is much larger than the families who receive a beautiful handmade baby gown in the middle of their grief.
Ladies who have been through unspeakable abuse have donated their dresses in hope to pay beauty forward—to heal from the ugliness of their past. Several of our seamstresses and volunteers have found a purpose in their lives and love being able to help others through this organization. I, myself, have found purpose, not only in running the organization but in leading my volunteers and in forming relationships with dress donors.
To find out how your church can serve along side us, please contact us for current needs and more information.

There are many perks to living in Western Montana. One of them is the ability to volunteer for local projects to help grieving families through the Emma & Evan Foundation.
If you are interested in serving with us, please contact us below!
Don’t sew?
Don’t have a lot of time to volunteer?
You can GREATLY help us and grieving families in your own community!
Print out this document and take it to your local funeral homes, birthing centers, hospitals, etc.… We’ll handle the rest!
Thank you!!

Financial Needs:
Shipping costs for dresses, Angel Gowns, and Memory Boxes
Materials for sewing & filling memory boxes
Administration costs of running a non-profit
Please consider a one time or recurring monthly donation to help us cover those costs.
Any amount would help!
Your donation may be tax-deductible as we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your bank statement will read, "The Eve Foundation" which is our parent company.
Please know that 100% of your donation will be applied to the Emma and Evan Foundation.
Thank You!